posted ago by BitcoinPatriot ago by BitcoinPatriot +79 / -0

It's unbelievable to many that an operation like Q could be, planned and played out over decades. Months and years going by where "nothings happening!", who could plan for such long periods of time?

Just doing a bit of a thought exercise for my small town, and it'd take me at least 2-3 years to drain our town swamp. Plus opening my wallet a bit.

  • First, I'd need reporting and an outlet on town happenings to build an audience
  • Analyze details to gather evidence from there
  • Amplify
  • Promote people for town positions that nibble away at the incumbant control until finally enough are in place to pull the rug on the scumbags

And this is with no coordinated deep town-state against me, just peoples natural self-interested proclivities and realities of lawful process.

I can't even begin to imagine the complexity of what we are witnessing on a global scale.

Guess I better get to it...