π¨π¨ CNN Debate already subverted?! π¨π¨ - - Biden is allowed to bring one LARGE PEN , used as a Bluetooth radio RELAY to feed audio stream into DEEP ear canal receiver. π¨ Coin flip for podium height preference not allowed on debate night. Coin flip forced on Trump over a week early to rig!

Wouldn't it be a scream if Joe's device got hacked by White Hats, and he got all glitchy and started saying a bunch of self-incriminating stuff?
If I thought that might happen, I'd actually tune to to watch.
would be a shame...hope it happens will be a real comedy show....Hey Joe tell Trump you are a lying POS, everything you say is bullshit...
Like when he admitted manipulating the situation in Ukraine, and boasted about the voter fraud operation.