95 HORROR: Pakistani Muslim Mob Lynches and Burns Tourist Alive Over Allegations of Desecrating Islam’s Holy Book (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 266 days ago by GDZeus 266 days ago by GDZeus +95 / -0 HORROR: Pakistani Muslim Mob Lynches and Burns Tourist Alive Over Allegations of Desecrating Islam's Holy Book | The Gateway Pun... A 36-year-old tourist was brutally lynched and his body set on fire by an enraged mob in Madyan, a town in Pakistan’s northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 33 comments share 33 comments share save hide report block hide replies
These people are not human at all. They are absolutely animals.
Probably smells like goat fuckers and balls in that crowd.
Wooo there matty, animals ? Really how about a pile of shit, yea pile of SHIT