Cannabis Use Linked to Severe COVID-19....What Absolute Bullshit as far as I'm personally concerned....
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We don't know that, Internet Doctor. I suspect that's true, but you don't know until you quit cold turkey and start feeling terrible cravings and maybe some withdrawal symptoms. That's the indication of physiological dependence. A lot of people have the psychological dependence too. It's "force of habit." It "helps me relax after work." It 'helps me focus at work or be more creative." Whatever, but we don't know til you cut it off and this person has told us nothing to indicate one way or the other.
10% of marijuana users do develop addiction, and I guarantee you 99% of those addicts deny it, just like alcoholics or other drug addicted people. Its the nature of the disease. People don't want to admit to themselves that they're no longer in control of their bodies and minds. The substance has control. This is why treatment programs are so insistent on making addicts understand it and say it. I think with weed, too, the side effects that come with THC addiction are so mild, it's just not seen as harmful, like how we approach caffeine addiction, and that's why people are so resistant to acknowledging it.
I was addicted to weed, it controlled my life and I hated that, I prayed to the Lord to take it away from me and he did. I woke up the next morning not wanting a smoke at all and never have touched the stuff since.
Praise the Lord!
I smoke 1-2 times daily, got my ENGR degree just last month. Smoked through the whole program.
Not getting enough THC is nowhere even close to not getting enough caffiene. I'm sure unhappy when theres no weed when I want some, but not having any coffee available when I need it is a fucking disaster.
For me THC feels like a "continual want" But caffiene feels like a "NEED"