It'll be interesting to see the evidence when Trump releases it all.
I don't think her story is going to hold up. LBJ was a slimy POS, but he was not the master mind behind the Kennedy assassination in my opinion. I saw the video in full years ago, and she lays all the blame on the Texas good old boys network of thugs and thieves, and they may have had a role to play, but in my opinion a lot bigger players were behind JFK being killed.
It'll be interesting to see the evidence when Trump releases it all. I don't think her story is going to hold up. LBJ was a slimy POS, but he was not the master mind behind the Kennedy assassination in my opinion. I saw the video in full years ago, and she lays all the blame on the Texas good old boys network of thugs and thieves, and they may have had a role to play, but in my opinion a lot bigger players were behind JFK being killed.
Exactly, JFK was above LBJs paygrade.