JUST IN: Satanic Temple member found guilty of possession of 'very disturbing' child pornography in Idaho: police. "Numerous files of very disturbing child abuse and child pornography were found in Russell's possession during the investigation. Russell is a member of the Idaho chapter of The Satanic
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You don't think atheists are evil? Or do you think atheists believe in Satan? Or are evil, but just not that evil?
So let me get this straight.
All these people in The Satanic Temple are only pretending to be atheists and agnostics who oppose religion being spread in schools or displayed on government sites. And whenever they see some religious stuff being put up in schools or on government sites, and they sue to have stuff from The Satanic Temple put up alongside it, it's not because they actually don't like to see the Establishment Clause violated, it's really because they want to spread the worship of Satan, something as atheists and agnostics, they don't believe in.
And they only pretend to be atheists and agnostics who are pretending to be Satanists because...atheists and agnostics are so well regarded in our society?
That's pretty damn complicated to go to all the trouble of getting qualified as a religion in order to do all that.
Especially when a Church of Satan and other Satanist groups already existed.
The rank and file members may be larpers, but the management could simply be lying about their intent and belief.