JUST IN: Satanic Temple member found guilty of possession of 'very disturbing' child pornography in Idaho: police. "Numerous files of very disturbing child abuse and child pornography were found in Russell's possession during the investigation. Russell is a member of the Idaho chapter of The Satanic
May have misread him, and may have been thinking about some of what we later discussed that he likely didn't read.
He only replied to my admittedly lazy whataboutist comment. I still stand by it, of course, but I could have been clearer and gone into more detail with that one.
I was thinking he was saying he was a former Catholic who left because of the pedo priests, but I suppose I simply made that up.
I think you're reading a lot into comments that aren't there.
Like when you thought I was saying that every single person in the Catholic Church was a pedophile.
A rational person would have known that wasn't what was meant by my comment. Or would have asked for a clarification if in doubt. And then when in further discussion it was shown that I obviously wasn't saying that.
I think you're just overly defensive about it. 🤷♀️
Do you have trouble reading, or are you skimming? I do write a lot, but nowhere in there did I say you said that.
What I did point out is that the only way to read your comment is this: you're singling out Catholic as separate from Christian, and then hyperbolically claiming the whole Catholic Church are pedophiles. That can only mean you're insinuating a higher rate among Catholics.
If you said "the entire Catholic Church scandal" or even "Church thing" it could be read as just making a list, but you left that bit off, and I can't read your mind.
I even debated your meaning, and did a double take at the wording. When I realized it flat out said "entire Catholic Church", I came to the quite rational conclusion that you were making a dig towards Catholics for having a uniquely bad pedo problem.
That was my only problem. Your comment was disproportionately pointed at Catholics, and of course I am one, so that hits a little deeper. Though, being the exceptionally fair (and egotistical) person I am, I very likely would have also said something had you said all Protestants are pedos. That is false too.
The rest of your comment I thought was perfectly fair and reasonable, I was just peeved at what appeared to be your inability to keep your bias against Catholics out of it.
I already commented to you about this. Yes, I listed them separately because everyone doesn't believe Catholics are Christians.
If it makes you feel better, then here:
There are a metric shit ton of Protestant religious leader pedophiles.
Again, you don't mind other religions being criticized, but woe unto ye who dare say anything criticizing Catholics.
That was to be taken as an assessment of how your comment was written, rather than intended.
I see now you didn't intend it, hence my last sentence saying "what appeared to be". Also why in my other comment I already said all this. I see now that you simply meant to list them out, and I'm quite sure that's how I would have interpreted it if you had added "scandal".
Also, the notion that there are a shit ton of Protestant religious leader pedophiles is equally false. I would also bet on that one being below the average rate as well.
By the way, you should really stop responding to the caricature of me you have in your head and actually respond to me. I meant it when I said I was fair, but you're too busy trying to contort the discussion in a way to try and prove I'm not, instead of just letting me show that I am.