JUST IN: Satanic Temple member found guilty of possession of 'very disturbing' child pornography in Idaho: police. "Numerous files of very disturbing child abuse and child pornography were found in Russell's possession during the investigation. Russell is a member of the Idaho chapter of The Satanic
So God didn't keep His promise that the Gates of Hell will not prevail against His Church? And are we not all Christ's sheep, with His Church as our shepherds?
To call the Pope a heretic is the opposite of the tradition for which the Church stands, and is wholly uncatholic.
And I'd propose that the very press used to discredit Catholicism is used against the Pope. He's said his fair share of incredibly based, and incredibly anti-establishment things. It's just never reported on, since they're too busy claiming he's pro gay for saying some shit like "don't murder gay people".
If the Pope is evil, why does he compare trans to nuclear bombs? Why does he consistently say things that affirm Catholic doctrine and fly in the face of Satan's agenda? Why does he never say anything that's actually against Catholic doctrine?
Sure, it's simple to just call him a liar, but what can the tiny little Vatican do if it actually opposes the powers at work in our world? Such a hand wave completely ignores the complex politics that are at play.
Ultimately, to personally declare that the Pope is evil, is to be a protestant. It's no different. You are elevating yourself above the leaders of the Church because you view your own personal interpretation of events and your own views as being more valid than the views of those who are to shepherd us. It's the same lack of faith in God to preserve His Church, it's just veiled behind some machinations of a shadow church and a false Pope, as if that doesn't just establish that the Church has fallen to begin with.
Also, the laity is the hierarchy. The bottom of it, to be precise. The same kind of thinking that gave us Protestantism and rebellion from tradition is what gives people this idea that the masses are somehow above their teachers. It's an inversion of the system that God imposed.
We are supposed to trust and follow our teachers, since they are the ones God has entrusted to teach us and lead to us. To not trust them, is to not trust God. To pick and choose who you listen to based on whether or not they disparage the Supreme Pontiff (i.e. whether or not they agree with what you already believe), is to really just make yourself your own god, just like Protestants do.
And personally, I feel pretty well represented when the Pope says trannies are nukes and that "there is an air of faggotness in the Vatican". I don't agree on climate change, but I also don't make it a point to call him a heretic for going off the information he is given on that one. Trump's not a climate scientist, and neither is the Pope.