I go by the rule of thumb that when a narrative makes no obvious sense, there must be something deeper in it. As we heard all this time about how Pompeo wanted to assassinate Julian Assange, we forgot to ask the one question "But why did he care so much?"
Part 1 - Vault 7 leak and Q operation
The WikiLeaks released Vault 7 documents in March 2017. Right after Trump came into power. What did Vault 7 really consist of?
Vault 7 is a series of documents that WikiLeaks began to publish on 7 March 2017, detailing the activities and capabilities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to perform electronic surveillance and cyber warfare.
Actually there is one exception to the cyber warfare. It also contains a project named Protego which is not a malware but a missile control system, that can, if used in a specific way, can cause a missile launch to fail.
Other than that its a collection of cyber hacking tools that CIA has been using for decades to gain access to all kinds of computers belonging to people, companies, countries and we can all imagine what purposes they would make use of that capability.
In a nutshell, Vault 7 leak rendered CIA blind to all the surveillance they were doing using their hacking tools. Two months after Trump took office. Let that simmer for a while.
If anyone thinks that this timing is a coincidence - that just as Trump started going after the Cabal, the CIA was rendered blind - can exit this thread now.
Two months after the Vault 7 leak, and all the computers around the world started patching for these vulnerabilities, and CIA was rendered blind, Trump announced his famous World Tour of Capitulation, and kicked off that trip with visit to Saudi Arabia and the famous sword dance, leading to the Saudi Coup that ousted the Cabal controller Al-Waleed bin Talal who was the handler of Obama amongst other things.
And this happened on the vey day Q told us Hillary would be arrested. The Cabal was taken completely by surprised. Almost as if they were blind to this move.
Okay I think I have established that Vault 7 was very key for Trump being able to clean up the Cabal and for Q to say "we have it all".
Part 2 - Mike Pompeo the raging monster against free speech
Now lets wonder aloud why Mike Pompeo would go nuclear against WikiLeaks for releasing Vault 7 files?
In April Pompeo made his first speech and his target was not NK or ISIS or anyone else. It was WikiLeaks. This speech was dubbed Pompeo Declares War on Free Speech by Assange.
Here is the WikiLeaks response to the speech.
So we have CIA blinded just before Trump started his moves against the Cabal, and his handpicked appointee for CIA Director declares a war on WikiLeaks. Interesting, eh?
I suggest people read this post by u/13Buddha to get a good idea of the kind of vitriol Pompeo spewed against Assange, WLs and anyone involved with Vault 7 release.
There was discussion of kidnapping him and dragging him back from Equadorian Embassy (Rendition)
There was discussion of assassinating him
They tried to get Equador to turn a blind eye to their rendition
They tried to get the British to take the shot if necessary for the assassination.
Everything was on the table. Pompeo said "NOTHING'S OFF LIMITS, DON'T SELF-CENSOR YOURSELF" to the CIA to come up with a plan to take out WL and JA.
And this is what Q told us: "Trust Kansas"
We now know what Sessions was doing. While he was exchanging his own vitriol vs Trump we knew he was secretly setting up all kinds of Special Counsels.
So what would you do if you were the CIA director who wanted to blind CIA but didnt want anyone to suspect it? You contort yourself in apoplectic rage and go on a war path against the leakers. You make the whole freedom loving world hate you.
And what do you do if you want to use this to find out every dirty trick up CIA's sleeve, and every dirty evil person within the ranks?
You gave the directive "NOTHING'S OFF LIMITS, DON'T SELF-CENSOR YOURSELF. I need operational ideas from you. I'll worry about the lawyers in Washington" and send messages directing CIA stations and bases worldwide to prioritize collection on WikiLeaks.
CIA might have been blinded of their cyber hacking capabalities, but they still had plenty of tricks up there sleeve, and you get them to expose it all.
Guess what else is a coincidence?
On March 6th 2018, the Sealed Indictment against Assange
A day after the sealed indictment is filed, Q drop 867 has a link to Clinton Emails related to the kidnapping of 33 kids by Laura Silsby - which is one of the solid links Anons found from the wikileaks DNC emails connecting Clintons to Haiti.
In April 2018, Pompeo left CIA and Trump appointed him as Secretary of State.
A week before Pompeo left CIA, Q made the famous drop 1195 with the
Almost as if his whole purpose in CIA was to do this operation against Assange.
Part 3 - Pompeo and his background.
When swamp creatures like Meuller or Comey or Haspel or RR or Pelosi or Schiff etc start attacking patriots, you know its because they have a long history in Cabal operations. Entrenched in it. You look at their history and it is filled with connections to evil stuff.
What about Pompeo? Here is an old article
As a kid he was influenced by Ayn Rand.
He graduated from West Point first in his class and served in US Army reaching rank of Captain, "patrolling the Iron Curtain before the fall of the Berlin Wall".
He then graduated Harvard Law School and then entered the business world as an Entrepreuner.
He then became a Congessman from Kansas, and notably was on the House Committee on Intel Oversight - the committee that oversees the CIA activities.
When he ran for Congress, this is what he said:
"I have run two small businesses in Kansas, and I have seen how government can crush entrepreneurism. That's why I ran for Congress. It just so happens that there are a lot of people in south central Kansas who agree with me on that."
And then he was tapped to become CIA director by Trump.
Nothing in his history says he is a Swamp creature, but he was in a position to know exactly what kind of shenanigans happens in CIA when he was in the Intel Committee.
Part 4 - The crucial questions
What exactly made Pompeo go nuclear against WikiLeaks for the Vault 7 Leak that helped Trump take down the Cabal ?
And the second question: Why did Trump not fire him, but instead tapped him for United States Secretary of State after CIA director ?
I present to you, my Anon frens, the entire witchhunt against Assange was a sting operation against CIA.
I am humbled by all the positive feedback I have received from the Anons here.