173 A military Coup is now taking place in Bolivia.. Crazy Things Habbening Worldwide… Hang on Frens, it’s going to be a Wild Ride !!!🤔😳😐 (www.nytimes.com) posted 220 days ago by Oldpatriot 220 days ago by Oldpatriot +173 / -0 Bolivian Military Tries to Storm President’s Palace in Apparent Coup Attempt The democratically elected president, Luis Arce, called on Bolivians to mobilize against those trying to seize power, as troops filled a central square and tried to force their way into the palace. 27 comments share 27 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Looks to me like the commie were running the country and patriots or a different group of a-holes,tried to take control.
I think it’s the old commie President trying to oust the current commie President.
Actually, it might have been the current President who ordered the coup against himself! He might have pulled an Erdogan!
Looks like it.