Either way, Musk needs to delve into this and pry out all the bad actors and censorship code and it would be awfully nice if he would announce the outcome of what he discovers, fire any bad players, maybe even sue them for attempting to stain his company's reputation. It's up to him to make sure his platform isn't censoring along political lines, but either way it's his choice - let the BS fester and grow or stomp it out, eradicate it. I'm guessing, like you, that there are a fair amount of commie saboteurs remaining in there.
Either way, Musk needs to delve into this and pry out all the bad actors and censorship code and it would be awfully nice if he would announce the outcome of what he discovers, fire any bad players, maybe even sue them for attempting to stain his company's reputation. It's up to him to make sure his platform isn't censoring along political lines, but either way it's his choice - let the BS fester and grow or stomp it out, eradicate it. I'm guessing, like you, that there are a fair amount of commie saboteurs remaining in there.