Seattle area for me. God it feels like 2016 all over again. They know Biden is cooked. They know Trump is winning. Seeing the smug and arrogant shit libs die inside is giving me the energy of a thousand suns. One of my managers with full on TDS is full on dooming and I am loving it.
Just wish I could see the look of the environmental limousine liberal dumbass who told me and this lady outside of the Issaquah Fred Meyer we were evil for being against the natural gas ban. Dumb fuck didn’t even know his clothes came from fossil fuels.
For those of us stuck in places like Seattle, Portland, Denver, San Francisco, LA, Chicago etc. this is hilarious.
Yep, lot of my friends on FB were constantly saying "Fuck Trump" or any other cabinet member during 2016-2020. They have nothing to say anymore. They don't say F Trump anymore because they know their candidate they voted for is absolute trash.
Now is the time to rub it in a bit.
I've been lucky these past few years living in the reddest state,covid wasn't much of a problem or crime or any of the bullshit other anons faced.
I've given up trying to wake them up, they will have to be shown. The precipice is for them.
MOASS will sort that out.