Not particularly surprising. A lot of particularly high turnover jobs. Like Fast Food. Have come to rely on illegals and employing society's bottom rung if there’s not enough interchangeable teenagers from wealthier families around. Whether they’ll ever willingly admit that or not.
Meat Packers are particularly notorious for employing illegals. Every time they get busted. They pay the fine and as soon as public attention dies down. They send recruiters out to areas known for illegals. If they aren’t paying to have them brought over the border themselves.
Because they can’t get any Americans to stay. Long hours, few benefits, increasingly unrealistic quotas from corporate offices. Power tripping managers. Dangerous environment. Lax maintenance standards. And depending on the outfit there’s a not insignificant chance the equipment your using was jury-rigged back to working order instead of taken offline for proper repair. As they couldn’t afford the downtime for proper repair. Not particularly attractive job environment for American Citizens.
Not particularly surprising. A lot of particularly high turnover jobs. Like Fast Food. Have come to rely on illegals and employing society's bottom rung if there’s not enough interchangeable teenagers from wealthier families around. Whether they’ll ever willingly admit that or not.
Meat Packers are particularly notorious for employing illegals. Every time they get busted. They pay the fine and as soon as public attention dies down. They send recruiters out to areas known for illegals. If they aren’t paying to have them brought over the border themselves.
Because they can’t get any Americans to stay. Long hours, few benefits, increasingly unrealistic quotas from corporate offices. Power tripping managers. Dangerous environment. Lax maintenance standards. And depending on the outfit there’s a not insignificant chance the equipment your using was jury-rigged back to working order instead of taken offline for proper repair. As they couldn’t afford the downtime for proper repair. Not particularly attractive job environment for American Citizens.