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Did Justin Trudeau cover up the Chinese spy scandal? | The Liberal Party has failed to protect Canada


Did the Chinese Communist Party interfere in the past two Canadian elections? A fantastic series of leaks from Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) over the winter of 2022/23 suggests so. The leaks point to a vast CCP campaign of political interference that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government allegedly covered up. ...

... Looming over Trudeau is a damning insinuation: that concerns about CCP activity dissipated in a mist of procedure because that activity benefitted the Liberals.

There's also the case of the two Chinese scientists expelled from Winnipeg biolab that has been systematically swept under the carpet. It keeps crawling back out only to get re-swept under, at regular intervals for the last few years. That's not mentioned in the article, which is focused on election interference, but is part of the larger question of how much influence the CCP has in Canada. It appears to be HUGE.

This surreal situation raises an important question: whose responsibility is it to prevent foreign interference? To answer it, Canadians need to consider what should count as criminal conduct in a democracy where nearly a quarter of the population was born abroad, and many retain ties with foreign governments.

Riffing off of that, with "nearly a quarter of the population" of Canada born abroad, we have serious questions to ask about what is a Canadian? What shared set of ideals/values do we have that is supposedly there to draw us together? Trudeau said we are a "post national state" but that is nonsense: what the heck would make us a "state" if there is no "nation"?

But I digress.

The article is a long one, but well worth the read.