Any theories as to why Biden core supporters are spreading the narrative that Biden is still capable yet the mainstream media has completely turned their backs?
🚔 Crime & DEEP STATE 💸

I concur. I have never thought Obama was anything other than a puppet with his master's hand up his butt. Like all the others. So sick of hearing what a great speaker he is/was. Never heard one speech for more than a few minutes. I just can't with that guy. I actually have always felt like he isn't really all that smart. It's all optics.
I think Obama comes up with all of the ways to attack Trump with lawfare. You can tell since they're all poorly thought through and require unreasonable circumstances to find him guilty (E Jean Cunt being the absolute fucking laughable case of all of them ... that deranged cunt basically stole $100M ... they had to pass a law with a sunset clause just to make it legal to have Trump face the hag in court).
This kind of shit happens with you have a complicit media reporting in favor of anything a Rat does to retain power. Anyone can do it. It's not a brilliant move on Obama's part ... he's a fucking dunce ... when you own the media, you can do almost anything and be whatever the media claims you are. A faggot, pampered scumbag like Barry really thought he was as great as the media was bragging. He is in for a rude awakening ... both him and his fucking transvestite husband.