posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +56 / -0

So, Joe's family have convinced him to keep fighting, Hunter told dad to ignore the calls for him to step down.

There are a number of mixed messages coming in and I think it's all based on self-preservation and common sense. In fighting within the deepstate complex has begun, like many have said, they will eat themselves.

My view on it is, if Biden is a puppet for the white hats, Biden is in it for the long haul. They let Biden steal the election to create the "PAUSE". If the white hats are controlling Biden, they do not want someone in there that they cannot control.

The plan is making Trump's votes so large, the numbers will be "To big to Rig". Catching the deepstate in an even more outrageous vote fraud scandal this time may be in the works. Keeping Joe in there makes sense.

Biden is doing a great job destroying the Democrat party. The corruption is being exposed daily and I imagine Joe's dementia will get worse and we can look forward to more statements like "We have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics"


Political analysts realize the Democrats have nobody to replace Biden and pulling Biden would create a situation they would never recover from in the next 5 months. Political donations cannot be passed on to the new candidate, they would have to start from scratch. Political donors have already invested in Biden, will they invest again on a poor candidate destined to fail?

Gavin Newscum has destroyed California, people are leaving the state in droves. He is most likely viewed as the worst Governor in the nation, I think sleepy Joe's popularity outranks Newscum in the polls.

Big Mike is a tranny, who claimed he himself gave birth to two children. Alternative media/social media sites would destroy the Obamas between now and the election. Every meme created for the last 16 years would resurface. I don't think the Obama's want their dirty laundry hung out for everyone to see.

I hear Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is considering filling in for Joe, she was the worst Governor in the nation for locking down the American people during the plandemic and she was sending covid patients into nursing homes to drive up the death count. I don't think she wants this to be revisited.

The media has turned on Joe and are now pushing for him to step down. They realize, they themselves, are guilty of treason and if Trump gets back into office many of them WILL be tried for treason. Self preservation!

Donald Trump Accuses News Media Of ‘Country Threatening Treason’


Kamala Harris recently learned she was bypassed as a potential candidate to replace Biden, do you think this will encourage her to start the 25th amendment process? LOL, I think she is being bypassed because people behind the scenes know she is not eligible to sit in the president's seat, she is not a natural born citizen. Her parents were not citizens, father from Jamacia, mother from India, both here on student visas when Kamala was born.

A Biden assassination is not going to happen. I bet the military is protecting him with the same level of protection they give Trump at this stage of the game. They know that Biden most likely has a deepstate target placed on his head. It is one of the last ways to stop Biden form destroying the democrat party. If Biden is a white hat puppet, they will be protecting him.

Like several people have said here, Biden may become revengeful and start a war with political enemies from his own party and the white hats may encourage him to do so. "How do you introduce evidence legally?" What if Biden admits he is being blackmailed by Ukraine and the money is being laundered back to his democrat colleagues trying to remove him.

The media could do the same, start releasing all the evidence they have been hiding for decades on the Biden family corruption in effort to impeach him. Shit, Trump may not have to declass anything, the feud within the deepstate complex and Biden white house may roll out everything as they eat themselves. I could see the white hats doing this.

I know it is wishful thinking. It would be fun to see the Biden admin drop the Epstein client list.

Truthfully, I don't think Biden is going anywhere and this shitshow is going to get crazier by the day and we get to watch the house of cards fall.

Stay comfy my frens!!