1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +1 / -0

What would you do if you came across the 4 invaders that brazenly attacked your bothers or sisters, knowingly thinking there would be no accountability?

It’s time to take the trash out.

1958Antigravityreprt 9 points ago +9 / -0

To believe that defacing anything with garbage graffiti will help your cause……that’s when you realize you’re dealing with children. Children who either are brainwashed drones or children who are aware of the demons they pledged their souls to. Why don’t those children go and fight for their cause at ground zero instead of hiding in the streets of the United States? Because they are cowards, paid thugs? Both?

1958Antigravityreprt 3 points ago +3 / -0

The shooter was just a pawn. Brainwashed kid who was trash to them…….

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pull your kids out of public schools and their system collapses. Plus you should ( but probably won’t) pay less taxes.

1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +2 / -1

Elon “the head” is not to be trusted. The jury is out and no reason to side with or against……just evaluate.

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are watching a movie. Go back to Tell-a-vision George.

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are watching a movie. White hats in control. The game has already been won. Sit back and enjoy the show.

The real question is; who / what leads our enemy? Who / What did these traitors/soldiers serve ? The truth isn’t for everyone. The truth is very disturbing……

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

The jury is still out on “the head” musk. No need to judge…..yet…..wait and watch.

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

This fuck face continues to vomit his opinion thinking he influences anyone. Backpedaling jerkoff, desperately trying to switch sides…….no deals.

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Long time chewing tobacco user and have been using ZYN. I do not trust the packet that ZYN is using. Question: Are there businesses for the public to test products?

1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quali-C Is produced by dsm-firmenich……Taken from their website….. Sustainability is a common thread that runs through everything we do at dsm-firmenich – and has done for years. The reason is simple. We don’t want to be successful in a world where the ice caps melt; coral is decimated; millions are left homeless and destitute due to climate change; while hundreds of millions remain undernourished. Sustaining healthy lives for all means better nutrition (especially for the world’s vulnerable) - and all within planetary boundaries. We believe so strongly in sustainability that the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are now woven into our strategy. Fuck them

1958Antigravityreprt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quali-C Is produced by dsm-firmenich……Taken from their website….. Sustainability is a common thread that runs through everything we do at dsm-firmenich – and has done for years. The reason is simple. We don’t want to be successful in a world where the ice caps melt; coral is decimated; millions are left homeless and destitute due to climate change; while hundreds of millions remain undernourished. Sustaining healthy lives for all means better nutrition (especially for the world’s vulnerable) - and all within planetary boundaries. We believe so strongly in sustainability that the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are now woven into our strategy. Fuck them.

1958Antigravityreprt 3 points ago +3 / -0

BTC holder here……A gold and silver backed currency note destroys the leash around the necks of the population. It also destroys the darkness holding that leash. Needed is a way to buy and sell without an internet connection; btc is a useful tool, however you must exchange a currency that has value for it……not a piece of paper with a Presidents picture on it which is fiat. GLTA..

1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hold btc……

You need to exchange what to receive a bitcoin? A worthless piece of paper with a picture of a president on it. I do believe that btc could be a valuable tool in society but it needs to be exchanged with a currency backed by gold and silver.

1958Antigravityreprt 1 point ago +1 / -0

You need to exchange what to receive a bitcoin? A worthless piece of paper with a picture of a president on it. I do believe that btc could be a valuable tool in society but it needs to be exchanged with a currency backed by gold and silver.

1958Antigravityreprt 15 points ago +17 / -2

Sounds like you bought btc at 70k and are panicking. Any currency that needs an internet connection is suspect. A Silver and Gold backed currency note cuts the demons leashes that control us.

1958Antigravityreprt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Outstanding Post! Fauci is a soldier, middle management. Who runs this world is the question that needs to be asked. Who does he serve?

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