Because evidently it took the General this long to endorse...👉 Flynn Endorsed Trump 597 days later! Trump announced his intention to run for President on 11/15/22.
TrueGenFlynn waited:
1 Year, 232 Days
1 Year, 7 Months, 19 Days
1 Year, 33 Weeks, 1 Day
19 Months, 19 Days
85 Weeks, 2 Days
597 Days.
Because evidently it took the General this long to endorse...👉 Flynn Endorsed Trump 597 days later! Trump announced his intention to run for President on 11/15/22.
TrueGenFlynn waited: 1 Year, 232 Days 1 Year, 7 Months, 19 Days 1 Year, 33 Weeks, 1 Day 19 Months, 19 Days 85 Weeks, 2 Days 597 Days.
There must be a reason it took him so long, and I can't think of any good reason...
What purpose would it serve for him to give his 'endorsement' any earlier?