I had so hoped it would at least be double digits.
Don't get me wrong, it's good that Farage won his seat and to get four (up from zero) is pretty amazing, but it still feels like a kick in the teeth.
I bet they have a decent percentage of the popular vote though, which is what makes it hurt more I reckon. Labour are an unmitigated disaster for this country.
Getting your first seat as a party is the real challenge in a first-past-the-post system especially when the ruling government is corrupt and bad.
When times are good, the voters will freely vote for a party they feel is best. When times are bad and the government is too, they'll harden and vote for whomever they feel has the best shot of ousting the ruling government even if they're bad too. Those types of governments never last past the next 4 years when the people return to the ballot box though.
For Farage's party to win even a few seats is a positive sign. In a tough election like the one they just had they were lucky to have gotten 4. The good news is once you get a few seats they tend to grow in future ones.