posted ago by AmericaWillPrevail17 ago by AmericaWillPrevail17 +109 / -0

(Long post ahead)

Are we ready for Trump to be back? After 4 long years?

Are we ready for Q to post again?

Cuz I sure as fuck am!

We have waited for when Trump comes back for too long. I've been on this site for over 3 years at this point. I was here when Evspra was mod, UtrechtRagnarok was mod, etc.. I wish we had some more Q posts in-between 2021 to now, but oh well. I have a feeling Q will be back soon. My takeaway as to why we had to endure this Biden fake Presidency was to, quite literally, get normies up to speed with the deep state and how the deep state operates. Now that this shitshow is almost over, and Trump will be back, the fun begins!

I'm glad that I spent most of Biden's fake term with you guys, a lot has happened since 2021, and while there isn't any momentum in the Q movement, (I feel as if the Q movement is dead at this point, with Q not having posted and all, plus, most Q topics are just topics MSM covers nowadays) I'm glad this forum is still here!


-AmericaWillPrevail17 (Formerly TIG2020)