posted ago by villageidiot22 ago by villageidiot22 +26 / -0

Baizuo are a bunch of well-meaning but hopelessly naive Westerners, waving rainbow flags and hugging trees, while simultaneously being the butt of jokes in Chinese internet forums. That, my friend, is the essence of "baizuo" – the "white left" of the West.

These "baizuos" are the kind of people who think that being a vegetarian will save the planet, and that everyone should just get along and hold hands in a big, happy, multicultural circle. They're the ones who believe that "body equality" means we should all look like Instagram models, and that "racial equality" means we should all pretend to be colorblind.

But here's the kicker: while these "baizuos" are busy virtue signaling and patting themselves on the back for being so progressive, the rest of the world is rolling their eyes and wondering if they've lost their minds.

And let's not forget about the "shèngmǔ" – the "Holy Mothers" of the world. These are the people who think that being a good person means never saying anything controversial or politically incorrect. They're the ones who believe that "empathy" is the answer to all of life's problems, and that we should all just hug it out and sing kumbaya.

So, in a nutshell, "baizuo" is the term for those who are so woke, they've gone full circle and ended up asleep. And the "shèngmǔ" are the ones who are so empathetic, they've lost all sense of reality.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go hug a tree and ponder the meaning of life while sipping on a soy latte. *MADE WITH GROK