Agree. Of all the winred spam emails I get, I really pause the longest on the Ben Carsen ones, even though I know it's all just winred propoganda (incidentally where can we send money to the Trump campaign directly, anyway? Still don't fully trust the GOP RINO winred aparatus). Anyway something about Carson hits me in feels. He'a just a genuinely good human being.
I have a letter from the DJT for President 2024 Inc with a return envelope to send money. Here's the address:
DJT for President 2024 Inc
PO Box 8916
Topeka KS 66608-9985
Agree. Of all the winred spam emails I get, I really pause the longest on the Ben Carsen ones, even though I know it's all just winred propoganda (incidentally where can we send money to the Trump campaign directly, anyway? Still don't fully trust the GOP RINO winred aparatus). Anyway something about Carson hits me in feels. He'a just a genuinely good human being.
I have a letter from the DJT for President 2024 Inc with a return envelope to send money. Here's the address: DJT for President 2024 Inc PO Box 8916 Topeka KS 66608-9985
Thanks much, fren!