I am not a lawyer, but there are two parts of this that the SCOTUS should have already destroyed By Fire and treason charges. The Criminal has Never in history applied for a 'permit' to carry his stolen firearm which means their criminal attempt at gun control is not about 'crime' and the proof is Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year. The second part is simple, the 2nd Amendment is the Only Amendment that states shall Not be infringed, which makes Every 'law' against The Bill of Rights null and void, not to mention more treason. Something ignored by liberal/communism is, The Bill of Rights are Not 'rights' Given by Gov., they are absolute restriction ON the Gov.
The tyrannical government will slow down on normal citizens' gun rights when most of them are deceased, either by the criminals killing them or the "pandemics" getting them. Until then all options are open. When we see the tyrannical government starting to act tough on criminals of all persuasion (crimes, not colors) then we will know that they have the population where they think it should be. With hope and prayer (and a bit of strength) we must fight this Cabal of Communism that is attempting to take over our country. If the plan is going according to specs, then we are coming close to the precipice-we can not be weak and cowardly now, challenge all that doesn't seem right-because it probably isn't.
I am not a lawyer, but there are two parts of this that the SCOTUS should have already destroyed By Fire and treason charges. The Criminal has Never in history applied for a 'permit' to carry his stolen firearm which means their criminal attempt at gun control is not about 'crime' and the proof is Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year. The second part is simple, the 2nd Amendment is the Only Amendment that states shall Not be infringed, which makes Every 'law' against The Bill of Rights null and void, not to mention more treason. Something ignored by liberal/communism is, The Bill of Rights are Not 'rights' Given by Gov., they are absolute restriction ON the Gov.
You are correct..The 2A does not go away when you cross into another state and NJ knows it
So does Chicago and their murderous failure has killed thousands of citizens by making them sheep.
The tyrannical government will slow down on normal citizens' gun rights when most of them are deceased, either by the criminals killing them or the "pandemics" getting them. Until then all options are open. When we see the tyrannical government starting to act tough on criminals of all persuasion (crimes, not colors) then we will know that they have the population where they think it should be. With hope and prayer (and a bit of strength) we must fight this Cabal of Communism that is attempting to take over our country. If the plan is going according to specs, then we are coming close to the precipice-we can not be weak and cowardly now, challenge all that doesn't seem right-because it probably isn't.
...valid observations...