posted ago by pnwhomebrewer ago by pnwhomebrewer +206 / -0

I work at a brewery and if I went into specifics about what exactly happened I could be doxxed. But essentially it was a misunderstanding over $20 worth of product. Not $2,000 or $20,000. $20. Co worker and I are both Trump voters.

Anyways my TDS manager went on a rampage over this incident and made an ass out of himself. Dude reads MSM only and has been emotionally unstable due to all the winning Trump and the supreme court has had lately. This guy has stage 4 TDS.

Thankfully my based manager squashed this nonsense and everyone in the company took our side. And I guess he is getting a talking to today.

Anyways just wanted to share this because I know many of you work with people with TDS. As we keep winning I expect many of these TDS types to implode and lash out. They know the Dems are doomed and will personally blame you. Do what you need to do to protect yourself. Record and film if legal, document any incidents that seem politically motivated. And do your best to just avoid these types at work.