posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +26 / -2

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Certainly! Here's some information about The People's Voice:

The People's Voice (website):

• The People's Voice, formerly known as NewsPunch and Your News Wire, is an American fake news website based in Los Angeles. It was founded in 2014 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway

• Over the years, it has published false stories, including conspiracy theories like Pizzagate, claims about false flags, anti-vaccination hoaxes, and more

• Despite its controversial content, it continues to operate under the name The People's Voice

So this sketchy “news source” is meant to appear to have the cover story of being a parody website.

Like The Bee, but with their own spin.

But there is a more malicious purpose,

Which is to create a lot of fake news, and give TPTB a pretext to crack down on false info that harms trust in public health

These bullshit stories are often screen-capped and cropped to exclude any mention of The Peoples Voice,

Presumably because that would be an instant NO, from anyone in the KNOW.

These stories typically include some sort of tag line of being “fact checked”

Of course, the “fact checked” label isnt serious. Its part of the gag!

But i keep seeing more and more The Peoples Voice posts, and people are sharing them and reacting to them as if they were real news.

We gotta be aware of The Peoples Voice and similar websites, who flood our social streams with false info.

They have click-bait headlines like,


Lets do a little research,

What exactly did The Peoples Voice et al say about false flags, Pizzagate, vaccines, etc?

Lets look back at their history,

To better understand their playbook plays.

We have to be better informed on this,

And we have to do a better job of informing others too