I suppose at least some of you have been interested in the UFO - or now, UAP - phenomena? And know how tightly owls seem to be connected to the wilder parts of that?
Not just abductees see and remember owls. Sometimes those have been assumed to be some sort of screen memories, masking what might have been some of those aliens - or "aliens" - that they encountered. But owls seem to pop up in a lot of stories of simply seeing something like weird lights in the sky too. And in ways that make it look most likely that what was seen was actually real owls, not some sort of hallucinations or screen memories.
And then there is that cabal fascination with owls. Owl statues, owl pictures, owls owls owls...
What the h*ll is it about owls? They are sort of cute, at least the very young ones are, if somewhat stupid seeming birds (in spite of that mythological connection with wisdom they are supposedly among, if not the most stupid, of all birds of prey).
Why owls?
As a kid, about 11 I read a book, The Owl Service, by Alan Garner, I have a signed book by him, The Moon of Gomroth, part of a series, similar to Lord of the Rings, but for younger children. Based on old Myths and Legends.
The Owl Service was a bit scary, strange scratchy noises in the Attic!
The Owl Service - Wikipedia The Owl Service is a low fantasy novel for young adults by Alan Garner, published by Collins in 1967. Set in modern Wales, it is an adaptation of the story of the mythical Welsh woman Blodeuwedd, an "expression of the myth" in the author's words. Garner won the annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association