I intend for them to attend a high quality private school. I have no problem taking responsibility for their education but I worry about isolation. I want them to have a good sized circle of friends and acquaintances.
That may be so, but a lot more regular people are doing it. Some states even pay you the money that they give to the schools. They have tons of info online to use and it's getting better and better.
I intend for them to attend a high quality private school. I have no problem taking responsibility for their education but I worry about isolation. I want them to have a good sized circle of friends and acquaintances.
Good for you. From what I've seen home schoolers have many meetups with other home schoolers and such.
From what I have seen the vast majority of home schooled kids are from religious families. I don't think we would fit in well in that milieu.
That may be so, but a lot more regular people are doing it. Some states even pay you the money that they give to the schools. They have tons of info online to use and it's getting better and better.