Good for you, Mary. Stand your ground! Each of us needs to be responsible for our own health decisions. Enough of checking our brain at the door when we step into the Dr's office!! Congrats to you! 🙂
Proving once again that they are not interested in healing or in health. Being very callous, she doesn't get any $$$ if you change your diet, but she probably gets a kickback for every vaccine you take!
In February 2020, I went in for a check up, (pap and to get the referrals for a colonoscopy and mammogram.) I was also due for a tetanus shot. I agreed to the tetanus (last shot, I'm now antivaxxx everything) and the doc started bullying me into getting a flu shot.
I was sitting on the exam table with nothing on except that crappy paper cloth they give us to cover our nakedness when he started his bullying tactics. Three times I needed to state NO. I had to get louder each time I said "no". By the third time, I was in tears, and I am sure I could be heard in the other exam rooms as I stated "I do NOT want a flu shot!" He finally relented.
Got the referrals and have not gone back.
Now with ivermectin and fenbendzole, I do not see the need unless I break a bone or need stitches.
Have made peace with the fact that if this trajectory shortens my life, it will just mean that I am going home early to be with Jesus.
At my old health care provider, I confronted my doctor about how we were regularly harassed about all our private parts (sent letters, time for your poop sample, breast exam etc) but not for common ailments like blood sugar or blood pressure. He kind of zoned out. I already thought they were intentionally degrading and insulting us. I wrote a letter telling them don't call me, I'll call you.
I've never had the flu, Haven't had a flu shot since I left the military in 1990. The people I've seen have the flu, get flu shots every year. Seems covid has taken on the same traits from what I've seen.
Yeah. The VA tried to get me to take shots all the time. I needed some nerve blockers and I made them let me read the bottle. The looked at me like I was stupid. I can't stand doctors.
Yes. I've stopped taking them. Thanks Mary! It was at the time the only thing that stopped my pain enough for me not to kill myself.
I really believe that if I hadn't had the nerve blocker the pain would have never stopped long enough for what ever healing happened.
I had been in bed for 6 months thinking about my shotgun in the garage. My kids are the only reason I kept going.
It's called Occipital Neuralgia. I fell and hit my head on the edge of a step. It splintered the nerve that comes out of the brain and wraps up the back of the head.
I'm glad the pain is manageable now and I don't need to take the blockers!
Your doctor is a fool.
Good for you, Mary. Stand your ground! Each of us needs to be responsible for our own health decisions. Enough of checking our brain at the door when we step into the Dr's office!! Congrats to you! 🙂
Proving once again that they are not interested in healing or in health. Being very callous, she doesn't get any $$$ if you change your diet, but she probably gets a kickback for every vaccine you take!
In February 2020, I went in for a check up, (pap and to get the referrals for a colonoscopy and mammogram.) I was also due for a tetanus shot. I agreed to the tetanus (last shot, I'm now antivaxxx everything) and the doc started bullying me into getting a flu shot.
I was sitting on the exam table with nothing on except that crappy paper cloth they give us to cover our nakedness when he started his bullying tactics. Three times I needed to state NO. I had to get louder each time I said "no". By the third time, I was in tears, and I am sure I could be heard in the other exam rooms as I stated "I do NOT want a flu shot!" He finally relented.
Got the referrals and have not gone back.
Now with ivermectin and fenbendzole, I do not see the need unless I break a bone or need stitches.
Have made peace with the fact that if this trajectory shortens my life, it will just mean that I am going home early to be with Jesus.
At my old health care provider, I confronted my doctor about how we were regularly harassed about all our private parts (sent letters, time for your poop sample, breast exam etc) but not for common ailments like blood sugar or blood pressure. He kind of zoned out. I already thought they were intentionally degrading and insulting us. I wrote a letter telling them don't call me, I'll call you.
I've never had the flu, Haven't had a flu shot since I left the military in 1990. The people I've seen have the flu, get flu shots every year. Seems covid has taken on the same traits from what I've seen.
Yeah. The VA tried to get me to take shots all the time. I needed some nerve blockers and I made them let me read the bottle. The looked at me like I was stupid. I can't stand doctors.
Yes. I've stopped taking them. Thanks Mary! It was at the time the only thing that stopped my pain enough for me not to kill myself.
I really believe that if I hadn't had the nerve blocker the pain would have never stopped long enough for what ever healing happened.
I had been in bed for 6 months thinking about my shotgun in the garage. My kids are the only reason I kept going.
It's called Occipital Neuralgia. I fell and hit my head on the edge of a step. It splintered the nerve that comes out of the brain and wraps up the back of the head.
I'm glad the pain is manageable now and I don't need to take the blockers!
Thank you Mary. Much love.
Why are you wasting your time going to see a "doctor" at this point in the game, man?
Fast and change your diet. Pills are only going to cause more problems down the road. You can cure diabetes with diet change alone.
Mary did you see the post about Vitamin C and Lysine to clean out arteries? It sounded very promising. I have forwarded it to some friends and I'm trying it myself.
I pray they already hung this murderer !
It's really embarrassing that he is an American.
Calling the good guys. The ones against genocide. Why is this monster not in chains?
Ask MSM why they supported this back then ?