If suddenly Bill Gates gave a red pill video that said true things people would listen to it also.
The hallmark of a critical mind is one that can put aside the defects, listen to imperfect messengers and allow people to have been wrong all their lives. It doesn't mean suddenly they are 'forgiven' it just means they said true things and we have to have the discernmnet to select those things out
None of that matters
People are imperfect messengers
If suddenly Bill Gates gave a red pill video that said true things people would listen to it also.
The hallmark of a critical mind is one that can put aside the defects, listen to imperfect messengers and allow people to have been wrong all their lives. It doesn't mean suddenly they are 'forgiven' it just means they said true things and we have to have the discernmnet to select those things out
I can hear the truth from other people that aren’t human traffickers.