posted ago by huhWHAThuh ago by huhWHAThuh +9 / -0

I honestly don't know what to make of this, but There is a guy directly behind Trump in the crowd when he is shot who looks and acts very out of place. He is in a coat and what looks like a Harpo Marx hat while everybody else is in T-shirts and Polos. And his behavior is odd in several ways. One is that while everybody else is ducking or heading for cover after the shot, this guy is perfectly still, talking into what appears to be a phone. The other strange thing is while the S.S. is trying to get Trump standing, he puts his hand beside his mouth and appears to be shouting instructions of some sort to the crowd of Agents in front of him. I am not a lip reader, but the best guess of what he is saying is something like, "Wake up now," and he raises his fist. when the S.S. agents get Trump up, he begins to raise his fist and say "fight, fight, fight."

I honestly don't know what to make of it, but i actually fell asleep after eating Supper, and had a dream about it. I guess because it stuck out like a sore thumb.

Any lip readers among us? Around the 1.17 mark, and repeated later.