PRAYER WARRIORS: If you ever feel discouraged and that your prayers aren't important, that is satan attacking you because they ARE important.
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God is beyond time, he doesn't "wait" for you to ask him to do something. He's omniscient so he already knows everything he's going to do and not do. In a way, he has already done everything he's going to do. It's beyond our understanding.
Indeed. He also wants us to walk paths of righteousness, but we have free will to reject that path. If we reject it, does that mean He made a mistake?
I asked for years to have a child, it wasn’t until my heart was in the right place to ask the right way that opened the door to the path to my child. I don’t believe she would have come the way she did if I hadn’t trusted what He put on my heart to ask.
We will probably disagree on this, but it doesn’t pertain to our Salvation in Christ so grace to you fren 🙏