One more thing. The Divine Plan can work without violating free will, since all the punishments The Divine intends for evil have being pre-planned as well, ordained before creation as justice to evil.
That doesn't mean the actions themselves are controlled, but the reactions by fate were already determined before you were born as the Divine by Its omniscience had foreknowledge of everything you will do and thus has already determined ( I speak in past tense but really Divinity made all these choices beyond time) what your fate will be.
One more thing. The Divine Plan can work without violating free will, since all the punishments The Divine intends for evil have being pre-planned as well, ordained before creation as justice to evil.
That doesn't mean the actions themselves are controlled, but the reactions by fate were already determined before you were born as the Divine by Its omniscience had foreknowledge of everything you will do and thus has already determined ( I speak in past tense but really Divinity made all these choices beyond time) what your fate will be.