I understand men and women minds are completely different and I do agree weak men allowed this to continue. Those are the simps you see daily aka the majority of the beta's who are liberal males. Hard times didnt make this tho. This spurred back in the 70's. I am however not treating the female mind like the male mind. I am simply stating the ones who are ALREADY in that masculine boss babe mind set NEED to be forced to see what THEY created. I am not stating all women especially children need to be seeing this stuff. Just those "responsible" who perpetuating it.
Right, the good times created the problem, by creating the weak men you mention who created the hard times.
The only problem I see, is that the women in that mode are confused and deluded by that way of thinking. They will never actually get it, because they still aren't men. If women could truly learn to think and behave just like men, that would prove correct the people who say we aren't different and that it's just learned behavior.
So I just don't see how imposing this shit upon women will do anything but make them even more masculine than they already are. That doesn't solve the problem, it only satisfies a desire for revenge. A desire to break them as a punishment for acting a certain way.
That's all we'll achieve by doing this. They won't get it, because they aren't men, and the approach you're suggesting is a male approach. They'll just end up more broken, more confused, and ultimately destroyed. That doesn't help us fix the world, nor does it improve the soul/spirit of the women you'd do it to.
I suppose I also disagree that women necessarily "perpetuate" anything. Men are responsible for leading. When men don't do this because they're too busy, as a common example, watching porn or playing video games, the natural result is what we now have: chaos and disaster. How is that the fault of women, when they're simply operating in the world that we as men have created and given to them?
Women who live this lifestyle only compound it and push it to the next generation. Look at feminism as a whole. It preaches these same behaviors. Do men allow it? Yes for the most part due to many different reasons depending on the point of view. Could be the simping is the only way they know how? Others fear of being canceled or arrested on some fake claims, others just not associating with it and thus removing themselves from it either way. I feel most men fall into one of those three categories.
The perpetuate part is like the body count stuff... deep down know it is wrong to hoe it up, then have to justify it by pushing it out as normal or onto other women. "Don't need to man" but still demanding traditional men. Who is to blame for that view? The ones making outrageous claims/wants or the one trying to be a good person who protects and provides. That was what I am getting at. Men gave them the right to vote, their own votes have push us further this direction while weak men allowed it. But the desire to do these things is entirely on the woman.
I understand men and women minds are completely different and I do agree weak men allowed this to continue. Those are the simps you see daily aka the majority of the beta's who are liberal males. Hard times didnt make this tho. This spurred back in the 70's. I am however not treating the female mind like the male mind. I am simply stating the ones who are ALREADY in that masculine boss babe mind set NEED to be forced to see what THEY created. I am not stating all women especially children need to be seeing this stuff. Just those "responsible" who perpetuating it.
Right, the good times created the problem, by creating the weak men you mention who created the hard times.
The only problem I see, is that the women in that mode are confused and deluded by that way of thinking. They will never actually get it, because they still aren't men. If women could truly learn to think and behave just like men, that would prove correct the people who say we aren't different and that it's just learned behavior.
So I just don't see how imposing this shit upon women will do anything but make them even more masculine than they already are. That doesn't solve the problem, it only satisfies a desire for revenge. A desire to break them as a punishment for acting a certain way.
That's all we'll achieve by doing this. They won't get it, because they aren't men, and the approach you're suggesting is a male approach. They'll just end up more broken, more confused, and ultimately destroyed. That doesn't help us fix the world, nor does it improve the soul/spirit of the women you'd do it to.
I suppose I also disagree that women necessarily "perpetuate" anything. Men are responsible for leading. When men don't do this because they're too busy, as a common example, watching porn or playing video games, the natural result is what we now have: chaos and disaster. How is that the fault of women, when they're simply operating in the world that we as men have created and given to them?
Weak men + Women = voting majority
Women who live this lifestyle only compound it and push it to the next generation. Look at feminism as a whole. It preaches these same behaviors. Do men allow it? Yes for the most part due to many different reasons depending on the point of view. Could be the simping is the only way they know how? Others fear of being canceled or arrested on some fake claims, others just not associating with it and thus removing themselves from it either way. I feel most men fall into one of those three categories.
The perpetuate part is like the body count stuff... deep down know it is wrong to hoe it up, then have to justify it by pushing it out as normal or onto other women. "Don't need to man" but still demanding traditional men. Who is to blame for that view? The ones making outrageous claims/wants or the one trying to be a good person who protects and provides. That was what I am getting at. Men gave them the right to vote, their own votes have push us further this direction while weak men allowed it. But the desire to do these things is entirely on the woman.