If the shooter did in fact use an AR-15 style rifle, the left has no more case against gun violence. They cannot be the ones to commit the most heinous of acts with the very weapon they decry, then claim that weapon should not be available to the public.
And they can't even use it correctly. God was watching over DJT last night, and that mercy only worsened their case against guns, their campaign to prevent him from becoming president, and they've further angered conservatives who are ready to defend this nation at any time. They are rapidly brining this nation to a point of no return, writing checks with their mouths that their asses collectively cannot cash.
Have you ever been to a long range match? Folks, including LE and military use semi autos all the time on and off the job. I see "snipers" off the clock at these matches regularly. It's not hard to tune a gas gun into a 1/4moa machine. I've built several that do that. It's not as popular, but it's a LOT cheaper to built a precision gas gun than a bolt gun. I also run a 308 without a gas system simply for the ease of collecting brass on a busy lane relay. Some of the biggest names in long range use gas guns. Lane Buxton of the US Palma team runs a custom Bushmaster 223 with iron sights and a sling and regularly wins NRA high power matches with that setup.
I run a LaRue with match grade ammo and can get sub 1/2 second shots with repeatable accuracy. 100% fine and accurate for sub 750m shots. Over that, I'll take a bolt gun. Put a KAC SR-25 in my hands and I can place 10 shots in a Dixie cup at 300m in 20 seconds.