23 NSFW NSFL WARNING: FAKE GORE: JFK Autopsy (media.greatawakening.win) posted 174 days ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS 174 days ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +23 / -0 3 comments download share 3 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
his brain was replaced.
the CIA gun that Greer fired, used bullets filled with shellfish toxin.
the murder was a Masonic attack upon a Catholic president (revenge for DeMolay & men of "enlightenment, Friday the 13th 1307, etc.)
3x shots to replicate the death of the Master Mason builder of the temple, Hiram Abiff.
throat - chest - head, same as Abiff.
the shots came from:
1 - the "squared-circle" Depository window (but NOT by Oswald, who was standing in the doorway of the building at the time of the shooting)
2 - straight ahead, possibly atop a railcar
3 - the driver, Greer, who fired over his right shoulder as his left foot presses down on the brake, to slow the car down & shoot