Corey Comperatore is Anagram of COERCE MY OPERATOR
You can also spell ACE PROMOTER from surname Comperatore
ACE Promoter : a person or company that finances or organizes a theatrical production
Surname Comperatore also has TENET square [OPERA] AND [AREPO]
Possibly related: check the 45 minute and 45 second mark of the movie Tenet. 45:45
Dialogue in Tenet: "What Cavalry?
Fallout Perk Ace Operator
Requires: Not being betrayed by the Operators during Power Play
Ranks: 1
Effects : -10% visibility in shadows and +25% Damage with silenced weapons
Bearded Ives in the movie Tenet has a red armband, similar to how the bearded EYE WITNESS had red sun visor.
Time Stamps in TENET
1 hour 40 minutes 39 seconds: “You’re bleeding”
1 hour 21 minutes 59 seconds: “What Cavalry?” (last second before 1 hour 22 minutes)
The man I saw carried out was a large man with a large stomach. Body type nothing like the one in the pictures.
Fuck you and this bullshit. A family man with a wife and daughter who was a firefighter is dead. He literally shielded them from harm and died for it. Show some fucking respect.
And FYI your username is an anagram for "Islams passports quot" so does that mean you are some mouthpiece for Allah?