69 **WARNING: GRAPHIC** I believe the dead shooter was Maxwell Yearick, NOT Thomas Crooks, based on these facial features... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 202 days ago by valley-lily 202 days ago by valley-lily +70 / -1 46 comments download share 46 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
NOTE: This is all speculation on my part and simply my own personal opinion.
The fact that the MSM is pushing the idea that Thomas Crooks was the shooter makes me immediately think otherwise.
That, and because the dead shooter in the top middle photo really looks nothing like Crooks to me, but looks very much like Yearick.
The sewn up ear gauge is the biggest give away (Crooks has no indication of any previous ear gauges), along with the hair color and face shape.
Again, all my opinion, I could be 100% wrong and we still may not have the true identity of the shooter.
Discuss in the comments any other information which could be of importance.
EDIT: New updated post with updated photos available here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17teJ9FsTW/
It would make sense why they would do this if the actual identity of the person had ties back to people that tried to make this happen.. If that is in fact the case, it will be buried since the FBI is now on the case.
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