Black asked Gass to make a wish and Gass spewed his shit. This "joke" was set up beforehand, planned out. None of it was spur of the moment as Black wishes you to believe. That excuse is to absolve him of guilt. If I were Gass Id throw the fucker under the bus like hes done to me. But then again he probably got a nice call giving him the option of a payout or the revelation of his secrets.
Bullshit, hes back pedalling. Its always satisfying watching these suck fucks come to the realization that they dont hold the sway they used ti.
Black asked Gass to make a wish and Gass spewed his shit. This "joke" was set up beforehand, planned out. None of it was spur of the moment as Black wishes you to believe. That excuse is to absolve him of guilt. If I were Gass Id throw the fucker under the bus like hes done to me. But then again he probably got a nice call giving him the option of a payout or the revelation of his secrets.
Gass would never do that because he literally eats and lives off of Jack's existence.
Up doot for the use of "suck fucks".