If not for those meddeling patriots alerting a cop that there was a shooter on that roof and that cop alerting that sniper and that sniper blowing yearicks brains out Yearick would have been snuck out of there and Crooks would have been swatted within hours.
Think that over and put the puzzle pieces together.
The media rippled through about 5 names to confuse the identity (possibly intentionally).
Keep digging frens. Deep dive on both sets of parents.
Initially, the shooter was some Italian guy with the last name Violet. That was probably to not warn Crooks he was about to be swatted and killed. A few hours later the news started with the Crooks story. The raid was probably supposed to have happened by then. That's when the real Crooks makes his "You've got the wrong guy" video.
Is this the "media" or is this social media?
First time I heard that name was the media pointing out it's not that Italian guy.
Social media has a really bad track record for early accurate info.
Here's a lead:
The media most likely already had the Crooks narrative ready to go and then the Crooks imposter got whacked to soon.
too soon.
Absolutely! Nothing about parents!
yup, i think they did this to keep internet sleuths from finding out to soon, gave them time to get things set up and social media scrubbed so on