Chatter on 8kun regarding oddities on options/puts. Keep your head on a swivel, anons. Links below.
Like happened for 911, people knew, and shorted certain stocks the week before. Same thing happened to the DJT stock this past week, they expected a huge drop on Monday due to his "untimely death". Too bad, so sad for them.
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[8kun] notables, this is very interesting and needs digging.. for both who bought the options and what innocent reasoning existed to trigger a massive short option buy if any
Someone carrying a firearm outside RNC was stopped.
Anon on Jul 16, graphics linked
FWIW the same thing is occurring today.
They are buying so many puts the price of the puts went down even though the price of $DJT went down 10%.
That shouldn't happen.
It's called unusual options activity
The stock options activity is undeniable evidence that there is insider foreknowledge of these assassination attempts. The Deep State fully intended that President Donald J. Trump get shot in the head while all the mainstream media recorded for the whole world to see. THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD; and the Lord God said NO, NOT TODAY!
God had the Lord's Angels watching over him on July 13th.
Exactly. Divine intervention. I truly do believe we will see the world for what it is soon. The great awakening is much more than U.S. or even worldly politics. This is what I think Q meant when he said it will be biblical and how he could still say Trump is fully insulated. He has on the full armor of God. If God is with us, who can be against us!
I’ve felt disconnected lately from my dreams, spiritually etc…. Used to get these demonic attacks, succubus, and evil dreams where you feel your soul being ripped out…. All the freaking time, and other prophetic/sacred self knowledge dreams all the time.
Instinctively you cry out to the lord or Jesus to help, I’d even find myself stumbling through the Lord’s Prayer (which I barely knew, however I’ve seemed to memorized it now, but I would just start trying so hard to recite and fight this evil)
Well to my surprise one of these dreams occurred the night before the attack….
I’ll skip the details, but often times if I randomly find myself lucid in a dream, or not even lucid but aware I’m dreaming and I start calling people out “You’re not real! I’m dreaming!” Suddenly things will take a turn, a demon that resembles Nosferatu will appear and speak in riddles, or they freak out.
Well this time I start to realize I’m dreaming and calling out this guy who’s like a bouncer at a club, this big mansion, I was following a female into (likely a succubus leading me in) except I’m calling him a “DREAM AGENT! You’re a dream agent!”
He says to me “I’ve fallen through this chapter before, if you know what I mean” (possible reference to dream where my apparent past self revealed I was in purgatory?)
And with that he nods over to a male who is contorting and rabid like some exorcist type ravishing around…..
This time instead of using Jesus or God or Lord’s Prayer I randomly find myself saying something along lines of “I’ve put on the full armour of God”
So strange, so out of character for me, I don’t even know a single line from that prayer, I only know it through Q posts, and up until the shooting I hadn’t really read or seen it that much as of late if you understand?
Now seeing so much talk lately of this Armour of God, specifically this post now, I felt the need to say something. I woke up thinking about the dream and how it hadn’t occured in so long, and then the attack on Trump happened and it hit me WOW! Forces of evil were out and in play!!!!
If you really dig through some of my posts you will find I had a similar incident of a very strong Dream attack right before parkland and maybe Vegas, wish I could remember the details.
This stands out because I’m not the church goer, or Bible reader, as I said I can barely recite the Lord’s Prayer and only did I learn it after stumbling through it in these dreams and then looking into it after. When my dreams take on these absurd scenarios with seemingly no outside influence it always affirms to me there is something oh so much more complicated going on then meets the eyes. It’s so hard to explain in text but these attacks in my dreams have been the only thing to assure me that there is more to this realm then we know, because the characters and things they say and do come to me with no experience in the matter, IE Egyptian gods who have been in my dream that claim to be playing the part of Osiris, then I look up a description of Osiris knowing nothing of him and sure enough the images match what I see in dream etc…
Sorry for long rant just had to get this out
Dreams are important, perhaps our subconscious connecting to spirit, to truth. Dreams, as you are aware, can be prophetic
May our loving and compassionate God continue to look out over you. May you continue to find your way to the power, hope, and glory of the Lord's Prayer.
Peace Be With You, fren.
Get that Bible start reading.
As a catholic, I'd recommend learning the "Our Father", "Hail Mary", "The Apostles Creed", "Hail Holy Queen" and "An Act of Contrition" and run through them before bedtime. Toss in a "Saint Michael Prayer" given the times for good measure ( I know the Catholic Church will be taking a hit through all this, but I have no intention of letting it affect my personal relationship with God. Can't say I've had a bad nights sleep in a long time with at least a few minutes of "knee mail" before hitting the sack. All things good and holy to you.
Now is the time brother....take a chance. Find a good church and get into His word. Start in Genesis and just start reading...When God opens our heart to receive His word it is such an amazing journey. Your thirst to know more about Him never ends. God's grace is offered to us all; it is up to you to accept it.
Think about it; imagine if we were the pinnacle of all creation; steering the ship. It would be pretty bleak. You must submit to something infinity greater than ourselves and fully pure, righteous just and eternal.
I don't know you; but what a beautiful moment it would be if this brings you to Christ. I will pray for you brother and and any time you have any questions about the faith please reach out. I would love to help you!