I wouldn't be too sure about them being scared. They are too arrogant, prideful and stupid to be scared and I am sure the Cabal has backup plan after backup plan. If we think they are going to stop doing everything they can to get at Trump, we are self-deluded. In all the decades and possibly centuries the Cabal has been at work, I don't think they have ever been this cornered. Things are going to be absolutely crazy unhinged from here on out...until the head of the snake is dealt with permanently. Never underestimate your enemy.
They were promised they’d get to film Trump’s death Live on tv. They failed. Now they’re scared.
I wouldn't be too sure about them being scared. They are too arrogant, prideful and stupid to be scared and I am sure the Cabal has backup plan after backup plan. If we think they are going to stop doing everything they can to get at Trump, we are self-deluded. In all the decades and possibly centuries the Cabal has been at work, I don't think they have ever been this cornered. Things are going to be absolutely crazy unhinged from here on out...until the head of the snake is dealt with permanently. Never underestimate your enemy.