posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +24 / -0

Please don't misunderstand me. I am not advocating for any violence towards anyone.

I have been wondering: What will the DS do next?

To answer that, I back up one question and ask: What was the DS's goal had they been successful at taking out Trump?

Well, they had a few goals. Obviously, get rid of Trump. But how? By doing it in grand ol' sniper fashion on live television, you accomplish a greater goal--set fire to the MAGA powder store and watch the fireworks destroy the country and create a reason to usher in Martial Law and a much tighter government system that by its own claim supercedes the Constitution.

Sound too grandiose of an evil plot? Puh-lease. We've been doing it in other countries, why not here? The Cabal wants and needs the US on its knees.

So, back to the first question: What does the DS do next? Trump will be very protected now. Any type of attack would have to be sophisticated to get to him, but that would tip off the local gumshoe that the DS must have been involved. So, different plan.

Next choice: Identify another target to be a victim of a MAGA supporter (textbook style). But this victim needs to be bigger than big. Someone whose brand is so well known and still beloved among so many that his demise at the hand of a MAGA supporter would make George Floyd look like an ant that was stepped on by a toddler on the sidewalk.

I won't name a name, because this is a theory about a next move towards trying to destabilize our country once and for all, not about predicting any one person's demise.

Why am I putting this out there? Because I want to talk about preparedness for such an event. I'll be the first to say that I spent several hours exploring in my mind the "what if" regarding Trump and the attempt. It was an ugly 5 hours in my brain, and it led me to this conclusion: What I envisioned--the chaos, the loss of freedom, and the changed nature of our counrty--is exactly what the DS is attempting to foster in our country. And, I didn't have too many productive thoughts.

So... what say all of you? Is this a big picture scenario worth discussing and prepping for? If so, what does that look like?