Remember: OUR MISSION IS TO BE THERE WHEN THE NORMIES WAKE UP. They will be scared. Hold their hands! Cates: "We have to forgive the people who are only now CHANGING THEIR MINDS as the Overton Window quickly shifts and they begin renouncing and apologizing for their former words and actions."
Better men will have to shoulder this burden. Save all of your self righteous pitter patter pedes. I’m not perfect and forgiveness does not reside in me.
screen name checks out.
You should ask for it. It’s a sign of salvation.
One big step in forgiveness is, more than just saying “I’m sorry” and “Gosh thanks everything is ok now, golly gee!”, there is true repentance from the grievor (I.e. STOP DOING THAT!!!). That’s why I was expressing concern that my sins have not yet been put away a few days ago. We have to take sin much more seriously than we have done, particularly sins against each other.
In cases where there was actual direct injury, there are biblical proscriptions for guiding restitution, and the prices can be quite steep. We are told to ignore those by the church. It’s much harder to forgive someone if they aren’t willing to offer anything.
Respectfully not all of us believe what you believe. Stow that patter.