In order to follow developments in the Ukraine war (seemingly yesterday's news already), I track Intel_Slava on Telegram. Within a day after the assassination attempt on Trump, the Russians are now dropping bombs marked as "For Trump." (Za Trampa.) It makes me wonder what their SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) knows about all this.
The Russian news reports on this channel are disdainful of Biden and respectful and even concerned about Trump.
The scene in Ukraine seems to be that Russia is conducting a vigorous but measured and thorough mopping up, clearing Ukrainian forces from novoRussian territory. Immense bounties are being offered for any Russian pilot who downs an American F-15 or F-16 in theater.
If it was meant "to target Trump", that would be "для Трампа" - dlya Trampa. This is clearly a mark with a message of retaliation.