There had to have been stand down orders in numerous agencies.
And I’m sorry there’s no replacement for Trump. He can’t be bribed or blackmailed/threatened.
If Trump dies it’s all over, as evident by the SS infiltration. There’s no military that’s going to save the world if good guys couldn’t get thru to the spotted sniper.
Just venting and theorizing.
The good news is it pretty much proves Trump is a threat and not theatrics.
We saw the blood. Reports state POTUS is missing a chunk of his ear. Dems all of a sudden believe in false flags and conspiracy theories. They are saying it's fake and ghey.
Why not, for transparency sake, show a photo, say from the ER visit, of Trump's injury? It would be a shocking photo and it would instantly put to bed most of the doubters..
You used "sake" correctly. Updoot for that. :-)