The key = therapist.
Weak minds.
Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful.
Find the link (common denominator).
Error made.
Name can be found due to filing.
Other patients?
Relocation imminent?
Conspiracy risk.
End (for now).
Haspel must find & term clas program.
She knows.
It's been years since I recall her being seen in public, but the official story is she retired in Jan 21 from her position and is now a senior advisor for a "King & Spalding’s National Security and Corporate Espionage" which is of course probably just a front for CIA ops:
Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency?
Covert funding?
Animals > Humans
Humans 1988
71% avg success rate.
Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ].
Mental institutions & THERAPISTs > 'program-specialists'…..
Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ]
WIA military personnel targets of the program?
Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick)
Something out of a movie?
The hole is deep.
In case you're unaware, the psychiatrist/therapist angle is how the DS/Cabal programs their shooters.
A couple related Q posts, although there are plenty more:
The key = therapist. Weak minds. Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful. Controlled. Duty. Find the link (common denominator). Error made. Name can be found due to filing. Fake? Background? Office? Other patients? Relocation imminent? Conspiracy risk. End (for now). Haspel must find & term clas program. She knows. Q
Has anyone actually seen Gina Haspel lately? Any photos? Any videos?
It's been years since I recall her being seen in public, but the official story is she retired in Jan 21 from her position and is now a senior advisor for a "King & Spalding’s National Security and Corporate Espionage" which is of course probably just a front for CIA ops:
But actual confirmation that she is alive, well, and active? Nah, I haven't seen her since 2020 at least.
Yup. How is it that someone so prominent doesn’t have one photo, or one video, or one public sighting since 2020?
2663: Program dev ongoing under offshore [not domestic] 'tangent' agency? Covert funding? Animals > Humans Humans 1988 71% avg success rate. Targeted (mental) 'criteria' designated as [ , ]. Mental institutions & THERAPISTs > 'program-specialists'….. Cocktail regimen 4x daily brain intercept [administered by ] Hint: WIA military personnel targets of the program? PTSD+ Clandestine Black OPs > zero affiliation (non_stick) Something out of a movie? Fiction? The hole is deep. Q