Ursula von der Leyen, world's most powerful and worst woman - The lady who texted with Pfizer's president over the price and number of doses of COVID vaccines the EU would buy--10 doses per person.
EU watchdog accuses Ursula von der Leyen of 'maladministration' and orders her to hand over secret texts she sent to Pfizer's CEO during efforts to buy 1.8billion Covid jabs
OMG! That's worse than getting your girlfriend's name tattooed on your butt!
Fiona Barnett - Survivor of child sex abuse: Richard Nixon was a pedophile & sexually abused her. This is a photo of Dr. Anthony Kidman who sexually abused her and his daughter Nicole Kidman who witnessed it. http://p0.ipstatp.com/large/005a4feee5f340964c18
This is interesting:
Thing 1 - Ursula von der Leyen: https://inews-prd-a-images.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/content/uploads/2019/07/vonderleyen.jpg
Thing 1? - Evil female scientist from the movie V - Delia Surridge: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vforvendetta/images/5/57/Delia_Surridge.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20200729035358
Thing 2: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSyWWLcXcAA1MQI?format=jpg&name=medium
Thing 2? https://i2.wp.com/www.shiftfrequency.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/NathanielCharlesJacobRothschild.jpg?resize=300%2C384&ssl=1
Ursula von der Leyen, world's most powerful and worst woman - The lady who texted with Pfizer's president over the price and number of doses of COVID vaccines the EU would buy--10 doses per person.
EU watchdog accuses Ursula von der Leyen of 'maladministration' and orders her to hand over secret texts she sent to Pfizer's CEO during efforts to buy 1.8billion Covid jabs
Yeah - jacobs crypto sister, maybe daughter, maybe fem-clone😀
Maybe Jacob's not dead, but embraced his feminine side and now calls himself Jacqueline.
It's not human: https://img.ifunny.co/images/3ba4660aea432befc8955371af158d7336a2ca33b35e1f18ce8b9b895a19a5ff_1.jpg
But it is a m-fer:
roger stone
OMG! That's worse than getting your girlfriend's name tattooed on your butt!
Fiona Barnett - Survivor of child sex abuse: Richard Nixon was a pedophile & sexually abused her. This is a photo of Dr. Anthony Kidman who sexually abused her and his daughter Nicole Kidman who witnessed it. http://p0.ipstatp.com/large/005a4feee5f340964c18
Former President Richard Nixon was gay too.
PHOTO: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/07/03/opinion/03Dowd3/03Dowd3-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp
AND: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3WwepAQbXUs/UOxZeepkwXI/AAAAAAAAD_U/0XlqpaAs9rE/s1600/BebeRebozoNixonHats.jpg