posted ago by Cuetardian ago by Cuetardian +288 / -0

The piece was being rehearsed in the convention center a short time ago. Martha McCallum on FoxNews mentioned the title.

For anyone not familiar with the aria, here are the lyrics. Draw your own conclusions:

None shall sleep,

None shall sleep!

Even you, oh Princess,

In your cold room,

Watch the stars,

That tremble with love

And with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me,

My name no one shall know,

No... no...

On your mouth, I will tell it,

When the light shines.

And my kiss will dissolve

the silence that makes you mine!

(No one will know his name

and we must, alas, die.)

Vanish, o night!

Set, stars! Set, stars!

At dawn, I will win!

I will win!

I will win!