Cut sugar intake and take fenbendazole which blocks sugar uptake into the cancer cells thereby starving and killing them - there I just started practicing for cancer treatment also.
A friend of mine had a chemo-port inserted into his chest for stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized all over including lymph nodes etc. Before treatment he told them he wanted to try the Fenbendazole for 3 months and then revisit with a PETscan and go from there. Fast forward 3 months and they called him to say that he HAD TO STOP TAKING IT 3 DAYS BEFORE THE TEST.! Why? Because the test won’t work when you are on Fenbendazole.
What is the test.? A PETscan consists of injecting irradiated SUGAR into the patient, and then an xray/scan is done to determine where the cancer is. It is easily found as the cancer cells have an extreme NEED/affinity for the sugar and high concentrations will be collected there.
Is this not, by deduction, an omission by the cancer center that they know (1) what feeds the cancer, (2) and that fenbendazole inhibits the uptake of sugar by the cancer, (3) and that anthelmintic compounds like fenbendazole, menendazole, Ivermectin etc are all likely cures for cancer.?
My 34 year old friend and father of 3 girls came back from the clinic that day with the chemo-port removed, and a cancer free PETscan. They know.
Some one doing the good fight.
Cut sugar intake and take fenbendazole which blocks sugar uptake into the cancer cells thereby starving and killing them - there I just started practicing for cancer treatment also.
A friend of mine had a chemo-port inserted into his chest for stage 4 colon cancer that had metastasized all over including lymph nodes etc. Before treatment he told them he wanted to try the Fenbendazole for 3 months and then revisit with a PETscan and go from there. Fast forward 3 months and they called him to say that he HAD TO STOP TAKING IT 3 DAYS BEFORE THE TEST.! Why? Because the test won’t work when you are on Fenbendazole.
What is the test.? A PETscan consists of injecting irradiated SUGAR into the patient, and then an xray/scan is done to determine where the cancer is. It is easily found as the cancer cells have an extreme NEED/affinity for the sugar and high concentrations will be collected there.
Is this not, by deduction, an omission by the cancer center that they know (1) what feeds the cancer, (2) and that fenbendazole inhibits the uptake of sugar by the cancer, (3) and that anthelmintic compounds like fenbendazole, menendazole, Ivermectin etc are all likely cures for cancer.?
My 34 year old friend and father of 3 girls came back from the clinic that day with the chemo-port removed, and a cancer free PETscan. They know.