They are the ones sponsoring the DEI bs. "Suspect" was in a BlackRock commercial.
Short-Seller was a Jewish donor, very connected to BlackRock/Vanguard.
No doubt BlackRock and globalists were involved in the steal in 2020.
Executive Order Trump put in should result in their liquidation. We can only hope and pray.
Without dissolving these corporations at the top, this whole thing will fail. It has to be a part of the plan.
Being completely realistic. The American Economy and Corporate Structure has been in desperate need of overhaul for decades.
Behaviors ultimately detrimental to long term Corporate Health. Not to mention the health and well being of Customers and employees have become standard operating procedure.
Private Equity and Venture Capital Firms. Private equity firms in particular Like Blackrock among others have proven ultimately detrimental. Granted unleashing those companies when their whole mission statement is “Make Money. We don’t care how” should ultimately explain quite a bit of the start of their unethical and or evil practices.
It’s more or less a given that the majority of the Worlds leaders are directly or indirectly sourced from the Corporate World. Given we, in particular the United States, but the west collectively spent about a century and half going out of our way to destroy or corrupt any other of the few remaining potential source of leaders that could seek to challenge the rising corporate and political cabal.
Such as the remains of European Aristocracy. One of things Woodrow Wilson in particular pushed hard for. Was the dissolution of the German Reich and Austria-Hungarian Empire. And the abolition of their monarchies.
And it’s now more or less known Historical fact, even if not widely known, American and British Companies and Bankers. Helped bankroll the Bolsheviks that murdered the Tsars and as many Russian Nobles as they could get their hands on. And scattered the rest.
Not that many such families survived the Medieval era and Renaissance. Not to mention the French Revolution. It’s probably no coincidence that so many Noble Families, and Royal Lines were extinguished and replaced with people who by one way or another were largely related in some form.
Anywho the fact the Corporate World is the only source left in of itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The problem arises in the fact that psychopathic, narcissistic, and or sociopathic traits. Are generally considered a hallmark for the wild financial success most of America and the worlds top earners enjoy. Not that it’s impossible for moral or ethical people to rise through the ranks of wild financial success. Just substantially harder.
But our only remaining source of up and coming leaders. Is from a system that actively incentivizes the promotion of traits that are decidedly detrimental in leaders and for society at large.
They like to pretend things are backwards. They pretend: Interesting that so many "psychopaths", "sociopaths" and "narcissists" make it to top positions. When really, it is just that corporations are not in anyway merit based and people placed in the top positions because they are part of Satanic groups or families.
Also, in my opinion, "psychopaths", "sociopaths" and "narcissists" are fake things the cabal has made to pretend there isn't such a thing as evil. These things are just varying levels of selfishness and pride, the root forms of evil.